Mothers' love for their children is unparalleled. This path knows no law, no pity, and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its way.
(Agatha Christie)
The process of forming and developing a child in a mother occurs before the child is born into the world. Preparation for stepping into the universe begins in the womb. A child's personality and physical development occur through all areas of his or her life after birth. Children see the world through their mothers from the moment they are born.
A child eventually sees the love and sacrifice of his mother as he grows in life. The phrase "Matha Pitha Guru Deivam" is very popular in Sanskrit. First, the mother (Matha) gives birth to the child, bringing us into this world as a child. The father (Pitha) follows, since it is the mother who knows the truth about the father, and she leads us there. The mother and father then take us to the Guru, and it is the Guru, through his or her teachings, points us to God (deivam).
The relationship a mother has with her child at this point is the most important in the life of a child. Mothers play many roles in their children's development as they teach them social-emotional, physical, intellectual, and independent development. According to scientific study, children inherit intelligence from their mothers.
As a child watches his or her mother, he or she grows in confidence and courage. It is easier for a child to express his or her thoughts and feelings to the mother rather than to the father. Disciplined mothers are able to maintain a well-ordered household. Children learn to work hard from their mothers. The bond between a child and his or her mother is critical to the child's development. Through the teachings of a mother, a child develops emotional as well as spiritual growth. It is possible for mothers to teach their children how to trust and be trustworthy. As soon as the child understands this, she will be more confident and secure in her emotional well-being. In addition to holding the family together, a mother helps her child learn about the importance of family. When a mother is soft and handles situations in a positive manner, the child learns that no matter how challenging life can be, it can be handled in a more positive manner.
Mothers assist their children in refining themselves throughout their lives. Mothers play an important role in the development and well-being of their children.
The more attached the child is to his mother, the more secure he feels about himself and the world around him. In proportion to the amount of love he receives, he will be able to give more love in return. As a result of attachment, self-control, self-esteem, empathy, and affection are developed, all of which contribute to the development of literacy. We do not know why this is the case, but it appears to be true.
During the early stages of a child's development, attachment plays just as important a role as eating and breathing.
(Robert Shaw)
We care, and therefore, we bear the responsibility of our learners.